Arts and Dannas

April 13, 2012


A craft show! I can finally share with you what I've been working on! I decided to try my hand at creating my own craft show with local artists. I always felt like Lansing was lacking in this area. Sure, East Lansing has their annual summer art fair and of course the big holiday show at the MSU union - but I feel like Lansing just hasn't gotten as much attention when it comes to crafts. So even though we're starting out small with this show, my plan is to grow the community and eventually have an annual show or two in a space large enough to accommodate 30+ vendors!
Here are the details so you can stop by and say hello and check out the local talent!
Last-Minute Mother's Day Craft Show
Saturday, May 12th
Ramblewood Apartments Clubhouse
6300 W. Michigan Ave, Lansing MI 48917
(Corner of Creyts Rd and Michigan Ave)
Map here

Local area crafters and vendors will be here to help you finish your last minute Mother’s Day shopping! Lots of gifts to choose from including but certainly not limited to:
Handmade jewelry with all semi precious stones, hand crocheted hats and accessories, hand spun yarn and hand dyed roving, AVON products, fine watercolor art, hand sewn baby burp cloths and kindle covers. Also there will be a psychic reader available, and Rubie's Paradise Salon will be celebrating a new location and grand opening!
There is free parking around building. Please do not park in carports.

I hope you see you there! Also, I have a secret coupon for you! At my booth ONLY, I will be giving 10% off your purchase that day! Just mention that you saw this blog post and the 10% off. My name is Danna, don't be shy! And so you know what you are looking for, this is what my booth sometimes looks like!

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