Arts and Dannas

January 11, 2014

While trying to plan ahead for the Winter Wine & Wool Fest on January 25th (more info here!), I rounded up all the random undyed yarn and fiber I had tucked away. It was actually more than I thought I had squirreled away in random bins and shoved behind personal yarn/fiber.

I have a couple full bags of yarn but only bits and ends of fiber. I actually have a two Shetland fleeces waiting to be cleaned, but I'm finding it hard to get motivation with this overcast winter. In an effort to make it more appealing to dye up these last bits, I spent some time organizing a shelf we recently moved into the dining room.

On the very top is bags that need to go to Goodwill and the microwave. The kitchen doorway is just to the right of this picture. The next shelf down holds my dye pots, powder dyes, and lastly mixed dyes in the green tote. The bottom currently has dyed fiber that doesn't have another home, some empty buckets for soaking, and then in the black tote is the random bits still needing to be dyed. 

Also I guess I need to take bottles back...funny that I don't see the can overflowing until I look at the pictures. Ah, well.

1 comment:

  1. You know what's weird, here in NY there's a bottle deposit, but it's arbitrarily not on some things. We had like a mixed 6 pack and took it back and they removed half of them b/c there wasn't a deposit, apparently. Weirdest thing ever. Anyway. I always like seeing your pics of yarn, so I thought I'd nominate you for a Leibster Award in case you felt like playing along :)
