Arts and Dannas

September 26, 2012

Etsy sale time!

I'm saving up for a new spinning wheel! Not just any wheel, but the king of all art yarn spinning wheels... the Majacraft Aura. I've pined over this wheel since the day it was released. The possibilities with this wheel are endless. Plastic toys spun in your yarn? Ok! Giant coils? Super! Super crazy chunky yarn? No problem!

And to help me save, I'm helping you save! Use the code AURA15 at checkout and save 15% off your purchase from my Etsy shop, through Saturday, October 6th!

So what do you say? Help me bring you more awesome hand spun yarn from a truly magnificent hand crafted spinning wheel! Go now!!

Help a sister out!
PS: This is the wheel I'm using now (bottom of post). I'd say it was high time for an upgrade!

September 20, 2012

Sparklier on the Inside

I'll admit I haven't watched much Dr. Who (only here and there since childhood), but the idea of the TARDIS being "bigger on the inside" really resonated with me. Everyone is something on the inside. We are made of ideas and dreams and fears, and strangers on the street would have no idea unless you were advertising that fact in some way.
Me, for example: I am enamored with sparkle. Sparkle in fiber, specifically. I am slowly amassing all of the angelina sparkle and fibery glitz my money can buy. Which brings me to my next sentence- Sparklier on the inside. I feel like it really brings my thought process together regarding my love of yarn and fiber arts. I'll be trying to integrate this tag line into my Etsy shop over the next few months, and most certainly as a philosophy for my every growing love of fiber and spinning.